Browse Items (5 total)

POL.029 Ambassador Lodge - Abington Speech - September, 1960 sp - 15.mp3
Henry Cabot Lodge, Republican nominee for Vice President speaks at Abington High School in Pennsylvania. Topics include voter registration, communism, Nikita Kruschev, the Cold War, Richard Nixon.

POL.034 RP - as chairman of 'Nixon for President', and re Nixon's 'My Bro Arthur' essay.mp3
Raymond Pitcairn discusses the disunity of Kennedy/Johnson versus the unity of Nixon/Lodge ticket.

POL.035 Richard Nixon - campaign messages sp - 7 1-2.mp3
Three campaign messages, approximately one minute each.

POL.039 RP, Principles sp - 15.mp3
Raymond Pitcairn discusses the principles of political leadership, comparing the Kennedy/Johnson ticket to the Nixon/Lodge ticket.

POL.040 RP intro. Lodge - Abington excerpts, Post Editorial, Lincoln's Message for Our Times.mp3
There are four segments in this sound recording. 1) Raymond Pitcairn introduces Henry Cabot Lodge, 2) Raymond Pitcairn discusses the Saturday Evening Post's endorsement of Nixon/Lodge for President/Vice-President, 3) Raymond Pitcairn discusses…
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