Browse Items (5 total)

Left to right, Unidentified, Dirk van Zyverden, John Bush?, Charles Relyea, Justus North, Randolph Stroh, Santi Nadal, Stephen Heilman

Showing Justus North and Charles Relyea in foreground, Santi Nadal and Randolph Stroh above

Pool construction. Shows Dirk van Zyverden and Justus North on stone wall; Randolph Stroh, unidentified worker, Santi Nadal and Charles Relyea above.

Pool construction. Shows Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn; Dirk van Zyverden, Justus North ("the Judge") and Charles Relyea on stone wall; Santi Nadal, Randolph Stroh and two unidentified workers above.
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