Browse Items (13 total)

POL.042 Hilda Robbins Radio Forum sp - 15.mp3
Hilda Robbins discusses how women feel about the issues in the election.

POL.040 RP intro. Lodge - Abington excerpts, Post Editorial, Lincoln's Message for Our Times.mp3
There are four segments in this sound recording. 1) Raymond Pitcairn introduces Henry Cabot Lodge, 2) Raymond Pitcairn discusses the Saturday Evening Post's endorsement of Nixon/Lodge for President/Vice-President, 3) Raymond Pitcairn discusses…

POL.047 RP, radio forum, introduces Nixon sp - 7 1-2.mp3
Raymond Pitcairn introduces a number of Richard Nixon radio campaign spots.

Person #5 Raymond Pitcairn; #6 Henry Cabot Lodge; #11 Hilda Robbins

Lodge in center; Richard Schweiker behind Lodge's right shoulder; Raymond Pitcairn to Lodge's left

In foreground: Unknown, Henry Cabot Lodge, Raymond Pitcairn, Marty Snyder

Raymond Pitcairn and Henry Cabot Lodge on the tarmac at an airport

Holding an Anton Otto Fisher painting of Lodge and Nixon. Painting is now in the Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn archives.

Fisher painting is visible in lower left of photo

Similar to RMP_PUB_0162

Shaking hands at a campaign event

Variation on larger posters
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